All prices

Prices for accommodation are located under the specific room type. Choose between:

Single room
Double room
Family room (3 – 8 guests)
Group room (3 – 8 guests)


When you book, decide what you require so you get the exact accommodation you desire.

Evt. ekstra tilkøb pr. person
Morgenbuffet, børn under 12 år50
Smør Selv-madpakke inkl. 1 frugt & 1 kildevand65
Linnedpakke inkl. stort håndklæde90

All prices are in Danish kroner (DKK)
Options are added when you book, or on arrival.


Hytte, 1 til 6 personer, pr. nat.975
Hytte, hund100

All prices are in Danish kroner (DKK)

Camping Grounds

Priser, camping
Børn til og med 12 år55
Dagsgæster over 12 år35

All prices are in Danish kroner (DKK) per person

Priser, sæsonpladser 2025 En sæsonplads gælder for to personer
Forsæson (11.4 til 22.06) 4500,-
Månedspris April, Maj, September, Oktober1750,-
Månedspris Juni, Juli, August3000,-
Hele sæsonen
(11. april – 26. okt.)
Strøm efter forbrug, pr. kwh.5,-

All prices are in Danish kroner (DKK)

Large Groups and Special Offers

If you book multiple rooms/spaces, you can easily get an overview of the total price by using our booking, or by contacting us. Discounts in connection with lunch, dinner and course participants are given if there is a minimum of 20 people.

Book? Help? Questions?

Use our contact form
Write an email to
Call us at +45 74 52 13 47